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WAVE Safety Program - LEA - One Year Prepaid
  • 24/7 Remote System Monitoring and notifications for optimal performance

  • Ongoing Technical Support with Service Level Agreement via phone, email, on-site as needed

  • System usage and optimization reports - daily, weekly, monthly

  • Work with customer's insurance carrier to secure discounts

  • WAVE Management App Annual Software License renewal

  • Software/Firmware upgrades for new features, enhancements and improvements

  • Cellular Modem Service (as backup to customer Wi-Fi/internet; only available for systems deploying w100 or w1000 Hubs)

  • Development, hosting and support of customer-branded Info and Q&A webpages

  • Access to WAVE digital assets (videos, social media, etc) to encourage patron usage

  • Quarterly online training sessions

  • Online access to training courses, webinars, best practice guidelines

  • Support with local and national media to achieve coverage

  • Support and collaboration on social media campaigns

  • Membership in User Group Forum and conferences

  • Ongoing support for redeployment and re-optimization of system components as customer needs evolve

WAVE Safety Program - LEA - One Year Prepaid

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